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New Sims 2 Mods Released in Q1 2024

Writer's picture: BellaDovahBellaDovah

Updated: May 2, 2024

All of the new mods I found for The Sims 2 released in January, February, and March of 2024!

This mod by EpiSims & PForest makes it so that sims can only take pictures if they have a camera or smartphone in their inventory and therefore adds the maxis camera and several new custom cameras to the buy catalog. Some of these new cameras are Instant Cameras with which a small photo will be added to your sim's inventory immediately after taking a picture.

This mod by anachronisims/sufficeittosay & cityof2morrow adds 16 new custom traits! Most of them are opposites of existing 3t2 traits, such as Dislikes Animals, Homebody, Terrible Cook, and many more. These unlock so much potential for storytelling as well as new mods down the line to add functionality/effects to these awesome new traits.

This mod by Sun & Moon's Star Factory seamlessly integrates a complex laundry system similar to that in The Sims 3 & 4. It has many different options for washing and drying laundry which can suit any type of house whether it be modern, off-the-grid, or medieval. It also offers the functionality to run a laundromat business and comes with optional traits support (including the new ones in the mod above). This is a brand new version of the older Loads O' Laundry mod which has been greatly improved and expanded and this was released in 2024 as a separate new mod.

This mod by morepopcorn adds what is equally a lovely decoration and a handy functional item. It allows you to change the day of the week, the season, and the number of days left in the season for a household. Black-Mage-Sims has also made some recolors, applying the textures from Linacherie's decorative calendar onto this one, and vice versa.

This mod by gummi adds a custom book object that allows you to manually add memories, from a choice of a whopping 201 new custom memories. It is based on DiLight's Tattered Diary. Some examples of the custom memories added are; declared major, became pregnant, took out a loan, kid's first day of school, the start of each season, attending parties, and so much more.


This mod by Pick N Mix adds a small chance for teens who sneak out and don't get caught returning with a random object like a garden gnome or flamingo. The kickable traffic cone mod adds a new item which can be obtained via this mod.

This mod by Gummi adds the functionality of the Find A Mate Crystal Ball by TwoJeffs to the computer. This is like an online dating feature so sims can select what kind of sim they are interested in and a popup will allow you to choose from 5 sims they have the highest chemistry with to instantly go on a date with.

This mod by EpiSims adds a little cheat object that can be used to force update wedding and engagement rings. It gives you the option to update the stone color of existing engagement / wedding rings for the color trait mod, remove lingering rings after divorce, and to fix glitched rings.

This mod by Jacky93Sims adds a new functional item to the electronics buy catalog which comes with 2 new interactions: Play with VR & Work Out with VR.

This mod by Jacky93Sims adds a custom light switch object that can be placed on walls and be interacted with to turn the lights on & off in the same room. The sims will actually go up to the object and do an animation to flip the switch, and only then will the lights change.

This mod by Pick N Mix adds a new social interaction so that your sim can ask for a backrub from another sim and then the other sim will give your sim a backrub if they agree.

This program by lingeringwillx will automatically backup your neighborhoods before starting the game, so that you always have a recent backup in case anything goes wrong.


This mod by LimeyYoshi fixes and also optionally changes several factors related to School Grades/Report Cards. Firstly, it makes it so that the memory of getting a D report card only happens the first time and then if the grades improve and then go back down to a D, rather than every single time even if the grade has stayed the same. Similarly, if a former A+ kid slips down to B+ or worse, they will take their report card out as usual again, but if they get back up to an A+, they will cheer again. Also, being late gives an extra -1 penalty and the mood penalty or bonus is still applied. Optionally, this also adds a new F report card memory, as well as making some logical changes to the mood penalty/bonus.

This mod by Pick N Mix makes it so that the major which is automatically declared in Junior year if the sim hasn't already chosen one is based on their One True Hobby, interests and skills, rather than always being Philosophy.

This mod by Gummi allows crafting stations to be used autonomously by all sims teen and older. By default, visitors will autonomously craft on community lots, without the need for player input or at any cost to the active household etc. There is a new clutter item that can be placed in community lots to disable the autonomy, or on residential lots to enable autonomy.

These are two different mods that do the same thing in different ways; replace the Turn On & Offs - they cannot be used together. The first is by EpiSims and the second is by PForest which is an edit of Atomtanned's. They both incorporate the 3t2 traits project, but Epi's covers just a few traits and stays more faithful to the Maxis system whereas PForest & Atomtanned's are much bigger overhauls and cover more traits. PForest's also has an optional file, which can be used with other TO replacers, to make chemistry only based on Turn On/Offs and removes Zodiac (like my No Zodiac Chemistry mod) and also Aspirations and personality points from the chemistry system, and therefore makes the TOs have bigger chemistry scores.

This is a pack of mods by Nopke that change the way the temperature affects Sims. It fixes the intended feature that cold sims are more likely to catch a cold. It also makes it so that passed out or frozen sims will only wake up to precipitation if it is actually on them, rather than happening even if they are not exposed to it. It also makes it so that zombies are resistant to temperature as intended, and also so that the temperature-related restrictions of the supernatural states stack with each other rather than only one being applied. It also lets you pick from various tuning options to pick the chance of sims combusting. Lastly, it can also make it so that visitors may pass out or freeze rather than being immune to it, and optionally they will try to leave earlier if their temperature is uncomfortable.


A simple mod by jonasn to enable the interactions to teach commands to cats & dogs on community lots, rather than it only being available on residential lots.

This mod by Gummi both reduces the likelihood of annoying autonomous interactions with the teddy bear as well as enabling more selectable interactions for older sims. Teens, adults and elders will not autonomously interact with stuffed animals if the object is sitting in a slot, since its most likely intended to be decorative in that case. If carry and play with is enabled for teen, adult and elders, they will only autonomously do so if they have the childish trait. Talk through autonomy for teen and older sims is limited to those who are 8 or higher playful personality, or that have the nurturing trait.

This mod by Gummi adds a pie menu interaction to the AL Gear City windows that lets you switch the mesh between open and closed, so that you can make it open or closed anytime you like without needing to actually replace the window. Unfortunately, it is just an aesthetic change and does not change the temperature of the room.

This mod by jonasn improves the eligible candidates for dates from the Gypsy Matchmaker. It makes it so that sims with a relationship score of 0 or almost 0 are eligible rather than it having to be sims your sim has never met. Romance sims are now eligible even if they are in a relationship. It also revises the way NPCs are filtered and makes it so that a sim at a different age is less likely. If the sim knows everyone already, the matchmaker will start giving sims they already have a relationship with instead of bad chemistry. Higher attraction within the payment range is more likely. And lastly, your sim will no longer be charged if the gypsy can't find anyone.

This mod by jonasn does many different things to improve the behavior of the Gardener and the Maid to make them much more logical and efficient. It also adds a menu when you call to hire a gardener to choose how often you'd like them to come. As well as this, it adds new self-interactions for gardening and tidy up so that sims will chain interactions relating to these tasks, rather than having to click on each item in need of cleaning or each bush in need of trimming one by one - they'll just go on a cleaning/gardening spree. It also has two optional files, one of which makes it so that business employees assigned to the tidy up role will do gardening, and repair if their mechanical skill is high. The other optional file makes trees permanently lose the 'obstructs view' flag which causes them to fade near the camera, this makes trees look better.


This mod by Pick N Mix displays a dialog when finding a job which lists the careers that jobs are available for today, with options to continue displaying the details of each job as normal or to terminate the search if nothing suitable is available.

This mod by Nopke changes the way non-pet job offers work in various ways, with lots of different version options. Now every day, when a newspaper is delivered, new job offers are randomly created for carriers that haven't appeared in previous day offers. Each household has its own offers and they are no longer biased by aspirations and college degrees of household members. You can choose from various flavors that make it so the amount of jobs available each day varies. You can also choose from various flavors regarding the levels of the jobs available, rather than the offered level being adjusted to the qualifications of the sim looking. So, there may be some jobs available that your sim does not qualify for therefore they won't see them. Also, an offer of a job that has been taken by your Sim no longer appears when Sims look for a job, so multiple sims can't accept the same job offer anymore. This mod also fixes some bugs and oversights. It also has an optional version compatible with Lazy Duchess' Job Rejection mod.

This mod by xndrot prevents the spawning of new social group townies to fill in vacant apartments, only existing ones will move into vacant apartments.

This mod by jonasn makes many logical changes to the Food Stands, particularly on owned business lots. Also, sims can work as a chef for money on a community lot similarly to working as barista or bartender.

This mod by guirnaldas makes some tweaks to reading and bookcases. It ever so slightly increases the advertisement so that autonomous reading is more likely, but not as much as other similar mods do so this could be seen as less annoying. However, it does make it so sims with hobby get higher advertisement and the more enthusiasm they have. Reading is on average less attractive to kids and pleasure sims, especially playful ones. Sims with a OTH of Film & Literature or 4 or more enthusiasm points will actually top their fun need while reading, other sims stop at around 85% like usual. Having 4 or more enthusiasm points also unlocks a slight boost in the fun gain rate, and a OTH with 6 or more points unlocks a great boost. The hygiene & hunger drop and social gain rate from sci-fi, cooking and romance books respectively have been reduced by half, and their maximum gain or drop have been capped. Visitors on community lots can now read autonomously. In university dormitories, unselectable students should no longer be researching or studying when there is a party going so they hopefully do something fun like dancing or hanging out, unless they are extremely shy and are therefore exempt from this rule. The advertisement values for College Research has been lowered, except on community lots which means that your roommates might be less likely to form big research groups in dormitories. Everyone and especially neat/serious sims are more likely to put away books. Write in diary is now slightly less attractive to elders and adults, and sims won't hide their diary from babies, toddlers and non-human NPCs like the remote control car. Very outgoing sims will now never hide their diary from anyone. Sims will not autonomously write in diary on community lots. Sims will now consider the surroundings before start writing in diary and they will decide sooner whether to quit or not when there are untrustworthy sims nearby. It also adds some motive checks to balance the Ask to be Read interaction so children and toddlers will perform this less often. Adults won't autonomously read to kids who are starving or about to pee themselves, and mostly only nice sims will autonomously read to kids. They will also wait a bit longer when trying to read to a child/toddler before giving up, and the interaction has a higher priority so hopefully doesn't fail like it usually does.


This is a collection of mods by EpiSims which are edits of other mods. One of these is the Visitor Controller, incorporating trait support and also a new blocker object to prevent specific sims coming to community lots, and also allowing children & teens to come even without a playable child/teen. Another incorporates the inappropriate trait into the Towel Color mod. It also increases the required relationship for sims to dine together in Simler90's Dining Group mod, and more.

This mod by EpiSims changes the way Aspiration attraction works so that each Aspiration is attracted and unattracted towards one other aspiration, and these are one-sided. This prevents certain aspiration pairs having much stronger chemistry than others. This is incompatible with my No Zodiac Chemistry mod.

This mod by jonasn prevents the end of a good date from waking up sleeping sims. They will instead get the rewards instantly, they will not be forced to kiss if they are sleeping and the sleeping sim will not say the message. A bad date will still push a hostile interaction.

This mod by jonasn improves the behavior around modular stairs. Sims will now prefer to use nearby vacant stairs, and running sims can go past a walker on a parallel set. Running sims will see vacant stairs as a lesser obstacle and might prefer them over elevators. A running sim will temporarily revert to walking speed when entering a stair with walkers on it. A sim standing on the opposite end of stairs will not be immediately pushed to move, instead a blocked staircase will have an increased penalty, but remain available. The sim will be pushed to move when it is time to disembark the stairs, this might avoid interruptions.

This mod by jonasn makes it so a cashier will check for new commands and queuing customers more often, and can do short nested interactions without abandoning the job. They can sell an item to a browsing customer, give commands to employees, answer their cell phone, react to the weather or smells, check out attractive people, close the shop, or automatically sit down to regain comfort. An owner's family member can take over a cash register that is manned by an employee calmly without route failure feedback. A customer will call back an idling register clerk and more readily accept being served when first in line.


This mod by jonasn makes it so sims doing restocking will prefer the closest and more valuable items in the same room and on the same floor. An employee will be more responsive to commands when idle. Craftable items not available in the inventory will not be attempted to get restocked and no messages will be shown about them. While on restock job, the sim can handle short interactions without quitting, such as sell to a customer, react to weather, answer cell phone, close the shop, assign a cashier, or be directed to walk to another position and work there.

This mod by LordCrumps replaces most of the neighborhood trees with ones converted from The Sims 4.

This mod by LordCrumps replaces the chimney with one from The Sims 4, and also adds several recolor options converted from The Sims 4.

This mod by PForest replaces the UI that appears when taking an in-game picture with a camera or for painting still life etc. It is in a similar style to the CleanUI though does not require it.

This mod by PForest replaces the plumbob above sims heads, and optionally above occupied houses in the neighborhood view, with a smaller model and optionally softer colors too.

This mod by PForest replaces the blue plumbob that appears above sims heads while in a group with the active sim so that it is a person icon instead.

This mod by Jacob A. O'Connor replaces the Pizza in a Maxis-Match style. It uses an improved, chunkier, more realistic mesh by Jacky93Sims but with a texture similar to the maxis style.

This mod by Jacob A. O'Connor replaces the baby bottle so that it has a smoother, rounder mesh, and optionally also the texture so that it is a brighter green, like the elixir of life.

This mod by Noodlebelli replaces the way sims' skin looks when they are too cold. It is based on a subtle replacement, but makes the hands and feet look colder, optionally with snowflakes similar to in the Frozen film.

This mod by s-imaginarium/simcaistk replaces the icon for the Very First Kiss memory, making it different to the other kiss memories by adding the star in the background like in the Very First Woohoo memory.


Two different mods for replacing the background in Body Shop. The first is by socialbunny and has many different options to choose from, I personally chose the Sims 2 one. The other is by redsimmer and offers an Asian style theme in different color options. Choose only one!

This mod by redsimmer drastically improves the lighting in Body Shop. It is an edited, and in my opinion improved, version of the Brightening Up BodyShop For A Spring Cleaning mod.

This mod by Tvickiesims replaces the Community Lot Trash can with one from the Sims 4, giving it a higher quality mesh and texture but is still in a similar style to the Sims 2 Maxis one.

This is a plugin for the RPC Launcher by Pick N Mix which incorporates the random loading screen and random splash music functionality of the LoadingRandomizer2 launcher by greatcheesecakepersona. This means that you can continue launching your game with RPC while also having random custom loading screens and music. It also adds the ability to link a piece of music to a specific loading screen, enabling you to theme the screen and music together.

This mod by LimeyYoshi fixes many bugs that can happen in CAS, specifically with custom CAS backgrounds, in a conflict-free way. Examples of such bugs are freezing sims, stray pets, and errors.

This mod by Dorsal Axe fixes the Creaky Branches Designer Tree which came with Nightlife so that it can be seen from neighborhood view.

This mod by ZankoHale makes the Mansard roof pieces added in Apartment Life and Mansion & Garden Stuff hide in Walls Down & Cutaway views so that you can see what's going on behind them.

This mod by Dorsal Axe fixes the Possibly Lethal Water Cactus in the Spooky Set from the Store so that it is actually a water plant that can be placed properly on ponds.

This mod by Nopke fixes the bug where teens who learn break dance would use the animations of growing up.

This mod by jonasn makes it so that students walking to class will start fading out before they approach the pedestrian portal similar to how a walkby behaves. After returning, the student will walk to the mailbox, and dormies may try to replenish their motives. These tweaks prevents routing issues.

This mod by Nopke makes it so that when a Sim drops out of college, their relatives get a memory of it, just like the other college events. Originally, it is the Sim dropping out who gets the third person memory about themselves and their relatives don't get any memories of it. It also adjusts the position of the memory icon so that it's centered. Note that in the game there's no first-person Dropped Out memory for the Sim who drops out, but Nopke is working on one.


Hello! My name is Gabriella, Gabby for short - you can also call me Bella. I enjoy playing and modding video games. I make YouTube videos and game mods, and this site is where you'll find the mods I create as well as written guides & resources, and more. I like several games and I aim to cover a variety games here, however my favorite game is The Sims 2, so that's where my focus lies.


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