Some of the 'ideal career tracks' for University majors never made sense to me so I decided to make my own mod to tweak them. Some have relevant careers removed, some have relevant careers added, and some have both! Overall I think this makes the way that Majors and Careers are related more logical and now only relevant subjects will help career performance. Many relevant links have been made such as Biology helping towards Science and many irrelevancies have been removed such as Political Science helping towards Show Business. Furthermore, no majors help towards the Criminal or Slacker career tracks as I don't think it makes sense for these to benefit from academic pursuit. This mod also makes it so that University is no longer a requirement for any career track, so anyone without a degree could begin the Natural Scientist Career at level 1, for example. There is also an optional version which makes it so that all majors boost the Education career.
Here is the new list of Ideal Careers for each Major...
Architecture, Artist, Culinary, -Journalism, -Slacker
Medicine, Natural Scientist, Oceanography, +Science, -Education, -Law Enforcement
Athletic, Dance, Entertainment, Show Business, +Journalism, +Music, -Politics
Business, Politics, -Music, -Intelligence, -Show Business
Artist, Law, Military, Politics, +Adventurer, +Paranormal
Adventurer, Entertainment, Music, Show Business, +Journalism, -Criminal, -Slacker
Architecture, Gamer, -Criminal, -Natural Scientist, -Science
Culinary, Journalism, Paranormal, +Education, -Slacker
Gamer, Science, +Architecture, +Military, -Medicine, -Paranormal
Political Science:
Intelligence, Law, Military, Politics, +Business, +Journalism, +Law Enforcement, -Show Business
Education, Intelligence, Law, Law Enforcement, Paranormal, -Business
...unless you choose the Education version in which case the Education career is ideal for every major too
Here is the new list of helpful Majors for each Career...
Adventurer: Literature, +History
Architecture: Art, Mathematics, +Physics
Artist: Art, History
Athletic: Drama
Business: Economics, +Political Science, -Psychology
Criminal: -Literature, -Mathematics
Culinary: Art, Philosophy
Dance: Drama
Education: Psychology, +Philosophy, -Biology
Entertainment: Drama, Literature
Gamer: Mathematics, Physics
Intelligence: Political Science, Psychology, -Economics
Journalism: Philosophy, +Drama, +Literature, +Political Science, -Art
Law: History, Political Science, Psychology
Law Enforcement: Psychology, +Political Science, -Biology
Medicine: Biology, -Physics
Military: History, Political Science, +Physics
Music: Literature, +Drama, -Economics
Natural Scientist: Biology, -Mathematics
Oceanography: Biology
Paranormal: Philosophy, Psychology, +History, -Physics
Politics: Economics, History, Political Science, -Drama
Science: Physics, +Biology, -Mathematics
Show Business: Drama, Literature, -Economics, -Political Science
Slacker: -Art, -Literature, -Philosophy
...unless you choose the Education version in which case every major is helpful for the Education career too
I know there are a few mods out there that do a similar thing but I never found one that was quite right for me so I made my own version.
Standard Version:
Education Version:
Alternate (both versions): Nexus Mods
Change Log:
16th June 2020: First release on Mod the Sims.
19th Nov 2020: First release on Tumblr.
9th Jan 2021: Added alternate version in which all majors helps towards the Education Career.
3rd Feb 2021: Fixed both versions so that they now actually do what was originally described. I realized that Business, Science, and Military Careers were incorrect - now the correct majors boost them as described.
12th Feb 2024: Released on website.
Requires University, Seasons and Freetime.
Can't be used with any other mod with the same idea such as lauratje86's 'Major-Career Linkage Mod', Phaenoh's '-Uni Major Revamp- Realistic Major to Career Linking', Cyjon's Revised Majors, etc.
Conflicts with some career default replacements such as Epi's, but this can be resolved by load order. If you want to have my mod loading first then Epi's loading after to have my changes applied to all the careers other than the ones you use Epi's DRs for and have the major changes they made to those ones overwrite you can, or you could also have my mod loading after Epi's to keep everything about the careers they replace except the relevant majors and have my major changes apply to all careers.
Will also conflict with any mod that changes the Tuning - Flags BCON (instance 0x00001056) of any careers.
Read my T.O.U.
Phaenoh's Guide on How To: Linking Your Custom Career To Maxis Majors for teaching and enabling me to make this mod
lauratje86 for their 'Major-Career Linkage Mod' and Phaenoh for their '-Uni Major Revamp- Realistic Major to Career Linking' for inspiring me to make this mod.
Hi, thank you so much ! I just have a question, sorry for bothering you, but HCDU shows a conflict with lamare's get uni careers without education. Do you think there is any way to make these two work together ? Thanks again.
Does this mod conflict with EdukashunIzGud by Cyjon?