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My Sims 2 Mod WIPs & Ideas

A list of mods for The Sims 2 I am either working on or have plans/ideas for

Coming Soon

Mods I have created but am yet to upload

  • Improve cologne, so a bottle can be used multiple times instead of just once, and using it will give a small boost to the hygiene need, but in a fair, balanced, and compatible way. Perhaps I will also rename it to perfume.

  • A standalone fix for apartment mail extracted from AL Fixes. Its generally accepted that you can get rid of AL Fixes and replace anything useful it did with other mods but I found without it I was getting errors with the Apartment Mailbox which seemed to go away when I extracted the fix for it from AL Fixes. I'm not entirely sure if this is a fluke or what but maybe it could help others.

  • A mod that tweaks the stats of Maxis Food - it makes how much hunger is satisfied by each dish more logical and makes sims eat faster, and more. Plus, a few other tweaks like the meal times some dishes are available and some renames etc. I've also edited several custom foods to bring them in line with this new system so it would be cool to be able to share those too but that might be a permissions nightmare!

  • A mod that makes it so sims' hunger need decays 2x faster. This complements the mod above since they eat each meal faster so there's more time in the day for more meals. This means more family meals, sims often actually needing to eat 3 meals a day, and an actual use for snacks & desserts.

  • Tuning for the Restaurant Podium so that a sim's hunger must be lower before they can autonomously use it. I made this for TeaAddict but don't use it myself.

  • Remove restriction of having to be on a residential lot to use the genie wish.

  • An edit of LeeFish's Skill Building Toy Garage so that it builds Tinkering enthusiasm.

  • A patch for Piqiwi's Hang Out After Work, Lazy Duchess' Job Reject, and Monique's Work & Bring Home Friend Dialog Updated to AL by timberllania to make the text compatible.

  • A Re-upload & Edit of Beck's Pickable Flowers so that they are OFB Stockable from the Inventory without charge and a few other things. The link to the original is no longer available.

  • A mod that makes the picked Hydroponic Flowers sellable in OFB Businesses and so that they restock from the Inventory without charge.

  • A standalone version of this batbox as a vase, since I prefer to use this default instead, but it's nice to have multiple options!

  • Slower versions of iCad's Animated Skies and Animated Wispy Clouds.

  • My Edits of ACR so that the fertility curve matches my aging system, and other tweaks to the default settings so it's toned down and I don't have to do it all in-game every time. Truthfully, I don't exactly remember what I did so I probably need to remake this from scratch before sharing to ensure proper documentation.

  • My Live.package which is the townie name pool. I made this years ago and I'm not exactly sure what methods I used to choose the names.

Work in Progress

WIP Mods I have started and am yet to finish

  • A mod for Less Autonomous Fighting with Traits Support so that sims with only certain personality and/or traits requirements will autonomously use negative interactions; attack, poke, shove, slap, argue and throw drink. I'm not sure whether to cover more interactions such as insult, torment, tease, gross out, noogie, belch at, Annoy/Nyah Nyah or to just leave it with what I have so far. I also need to incorporate Lenna's Fight Fix.

  • An update to my Stockable Foods which includes more food deco objects, particularly bakery items, and some fixes to some food points that were previously too high. There's some more foods I want to add to this and I also need to take some screenshots and check/get permissions from the authors of the original deco items I've made stockable.

  • Tweaks and Loner Trait Integration to BO's Less Toddler Annoyance. I can't remember what tweaks I actually made so I need to retrace my steps and I'd ideally like to properly manage the conflict with Nopke's Edit of Fewer Toddler Asking Fails.

  • Tweaks and nerfs to Piqiwi's Hang Out After Work and Prom + After School Activity. I should also edit it further so that they don't return from Prom with quite so little Energy.

  • AI Upscaled Terrain Paint Default Replacements so that they are higher quality but still have the original look.

  • Tweaks and Additions to the Costume Trunk such as enabling all costumes for Young Adults and adding more outfits to the spooky category.

  • My Wants.package that combines several mods for those that thought they could only use one Wants.package mod or don't like having to have several packages with this name in different subfolders. I'd need to check which mods I combined and make sure the permissions would be ok.

  • My WantTuning that lowers the requirements for some LTWs such as 5 top business to 2 and 50 dates to 20. This is an edit of Lamare's file from the 50 New LTWs so I'd have to make sure I had permission and also consider making a standalone version.

  • My WantTrees, I can't remember exactly what I've changed in these so thats a problem I'd need to investigate. It definitely includes Going Steady for Adults and my own tweaks to make the Hustle Pool want roll less often (it used to be everywhere in my game), and I think some other things. I think I started working on incorporating the fix for the Marriage Breakup want but not sure if I finished, and there's some other tweaks I'd like to make too.

Plans & Ideas

Mod ideas I hope/plan to make soon

  • New Memories (that get applied automatically): Got Struck by Lightning, Made Friends with, Stopped being Enemies with, Got Sent Back to Public School / Kicked out of Private School, Gave Pet Up for Adoption, and perhaps a few more.

  • Different Icons for the memories about other sims so its easier to tell at a glance whether the memory is about themselves or a family member.

  • New Traits and effect mods for them: some of the Sims 3 Reward Traits, some Sims 4 traits not in Sims 3 (both CAS and Reward), and some brand new ones like Early Bird, Political, Health/Fitness Enthusiast, Fashionable/Fashionista, Vegan, etc.

  • Tweaks to the meal serving times since I find 10am far too early for lunch, it should still be breakfast.

  • Turning these vegetarian food replacers into standalone alternatives.

  • Restrict the Sell Pet Want so it can't roll as often, probably with traits support too.

  • Restrict the Pet Leaves Family Fear so it can't roll as often, such as requiring friendship and probably traits support too.

  • Restrict or block the Want to Become a Werewolf so it can't roll as often or at all.

  • Lower threshold for growing up badly, I think sims at the very bottom of positive aspiration should still grow up badly and not just those who are deep in the red.

  • Tweak & Fix Piqiwi's Holidays in more ways: 1) so that sims will still receive their pay even if they are off the lot (like with community time) at the time they'd usually get paid, 2) to restore the missing 'walk to work' action, 3) to fix work sometimes never starting again after a holiday without forcing off world errors (the carpool not coming, not getting pushed to drive to work, no penalty for missing work, etc.). I'll also share my holidays configuration.

  • Tweak the Classic Dance for Family Mod so that it is platonic for everybody, so friends could do it without triggering jealousy.

  • Add the ability to use the sell/give pet interaction on other lots like community lots or when you're playing as another household and have made the sim selectable. Not sure if this is possible yet.

  • Make all Hobbies Fun, for example, sims with the Cuisine OTH (and perhaps with the Natural Cook Trait) should have their fun motive increase when cooking, etc.

  • More Repeatable Memories e.g. Death & Resurrection.

  • Reduce the Energy Rating of Cribs.

  • Make Community Time work the same way on Vacations too.

  • Make it so you get some money for giving puppies & kittens up for adoption (?)

  • Prevent Parents from taking Children home during Parties.

  • Add notification or popup camera for when Sims in University return home from class (?)

  • Restrict the want to buy an MP3 to only be able roll for sims with the Music & Dance Hobby or Virtuoso Trait and the the buy handheld want for only Games Hobby Sims & Computer Whizzes.

  • Restrict the want to Perform Music for Tips to only be able roll for sims with the Music & Dance Hobby or Virtuoso Trait.

  • Prevent Visitors from leaving when sims are asleep or off-world. This behavior really screws up my use of 'Ask to Watch Kids Enabled'.

  • Make it so that college professors lose relationship points with students that get on Academic Probation.

  • Stop Santa constantly using the toilet.

  • More edits to the WantTrees such as the wants to go on vacations more common for elders and pleasure sims, more common encouragement want, more chance for marriage & baby wants for some aspirations like popularity, etc.

  • I'd also really like to change the conditions for the Retirement Want rolling because I find it far too rare that it only rolls after they get their first grandchild, but I'm not sure that's possible.

  • Another want edit idea is to change the restrictions on which majors can roll for which aspirations (and maybe careers?), but again I'm not sure if that's possible yet.

  • An Edit of Cyjon's New Servos mod so that newly activated Servos get the same badges as the activator instead of random ones or none and so they also get the activator's interests.

  • An Edit of BO's Food Dish Autonomy that implements a check to see if there is currently a party going on and stops sims autonomously putting away leftovers if there is.

  • Repo the cloned Maxis Easel in my Hobby-Gaining Edit of More Functional Easels to the original Maxis Easel so that any recolors will also work on the more functional version.

  • Revise the skills built in each career so they make more sense, such as removing the cooking skill from the Journalism Career.

  • Enable the 'Greet Everyone' interaction on Community Lots.

  • Add Traits conditions to many existing mods such as Toddlers Sleep Through Night

  • Make the 'Dismiss' Interaction with the Nanny instantaneous, so they don't have to queue an animation. May be complex to ensure they put the baby/toddler down first though!

  • Nerf the fun gain from viewing art for sims that don't have the arts & crafts OTH or the Avant Garde Trait.

  • Change which personalities increase the gain rate of which hobbies.

  • Allow more sims to be invited as vacation guests.

  • Edit the Actual Alcohol Mod so that it also applies to the make a drink and drink from bottle interaction, as well as drinking from the keg or nectar, but also add more restrictions to the drunken interactions so they only fight with people they aren't friends with, only initiate romantic interactions if they have high chemistry, etc. Perhaps also add new drunken interactions such as ask sim on date. Another idea is to change the chance of a drunken interaction occurring based on their energy, so sims are more likely to be drunk when they're getting tired.

  • Apply Fractured Moonlight's Recolorable Edits and Shasta's Recolors of the Agility Training Items converted from Pet Stories to Chris Hatch's Version.

  • Edit the Ice Carving Station converted from Pet Stories so that it builds Arts & Crafts Enthusiasm and the Mechanical Skill. It would also be really cool if different ice sculptures could be made depending on skill rather than only swans, but that's beyond me for the moment.

  • My own Turn On/Off Replacer.

  • Update my No Multiple Loves / Woohoos / Makeouts Wants for Hopeless Romantics so that it also blocks the 'woohoo with 5 different service sims' want.

  • Add a popup to the Community Time Project which asks you whether you want to start the delay timer when your sims return, or have them return immediately Maxis-style as this can be helpful for playing active careers.

  • Add Film & Literature Hobby Enthusiasm gain to the Thespian's Mark and Science Enthusiasm gain to Skeletal Endowment.

  • Integrate these 1t2 Careers with LTWs into my Job Salary Re-balance.

  • Rework the seating section of the catalog so that it is more balanced, consistent and logical, so there is a good distribution of low, mid, and high quality items in terms of need stats, and the price and stats shown properly reflects the real quality (comfort, energy, etc.)

  • Slightly reorganize the catalog in small ways such as moving the fish tanks into the pets section, and making the sculptures section exclusively for purposeful decorations and artistic pieces, and the misc deco section for clutter.

  • Edit Becks' Fallen Trees so that chopping them decays comfort & energy more but builds nature enthusiasm and gains fitness, and so that the logs restock from inventory when sold in an OFB business, then maybe edit the woodworking bench so that it can use the chopped wood in the sim's inventory rather than it costing to make if they have the wood instead.

  • Edit the children interactions 'swing me around' and 'dance together' so that they don't last as long, motives are considered more when deciding when to stop, and if another sim is queuing an interaction with one of the sims, they can interrupt them.


Mod ideas I have thought of but feel would be beyond my current capabilities or even not possible

  • A mod that would allow sims to perform for tips with the microphone.

  • A way to increase the aspiration points cost of the aspiration rewards (I believe it is capped at around 32,000), alternatively decrease how many aspiration reward points are received.

  • An overlay box for wrinkles that ideally don't class as makeup.

  • More skills or an expansion to the badge system, or even a new inventory/traits system that would make activities such as playing the guitar and painting improve separately.

  • A mod that would allow non-students to visit community lots in University Subhoods.

  • A mod that would make age difference affect chemistry / attraction scores.

  • A mod that would allow romantic relationships between Teens and Young adults but not Teens and Adults.

  • A mod that would make it so that sims only serve food outside if the food was cooked on a grill.

  • A new Influence interaction for Engagement Proposals.

  • Add a custom video game such as Chess and/or Blick Block from The Sims 4 which would be free and available on every PC and increase fun slower than the other video games but increase the logic skill unlike any other video game.

  • Create a system for creating video games similar to novel writing, so sims could use the computer to create their own video games, then a physical copy would arrive and they'd receive a payment, then they'd be able to play it like a normal video game or give it to another household to play, and also like with the Sellable Novels mod, they could then sell copies in an owned business.

  • A mod or mods, or edit to the Cinema Secrets Lighting Mod, to make it so that the dawn & dusk hours also happen in vacation subhoods. Also, change the hours the light changes based on season, so there is more sunlight in summer but more darkness in winter.

  • A controller object that would allow you to customize the menu of available foods served in a restaurant without it having to be an owned business.

  • New Pickable Flowers which work in the same way as these but look like ground versions of the Maxis OFB flower bouquets so that when sims pick them, they can be used to make a flower arrangement on the Floral Workstaion for free.

  • Add cameras to the electronics kiosk or make a new custom kiosk to sell cameras so they can be placed on unowned community lots and sims can buy cameras from them, particularly useful for vacation hoods.

  • Allow Sims to have two jobs at the same time, or at least be able to be hired as an employee as well as keep a normal career job. Perhaps this could take inspiration from Lamare's Job Options Mod Set.


Hello! My name is Gabriella, Gabby for short - you can also call me Bella. I enjoy playing and modding video games. I make YouTube videos and game mods, and this site is where you'll find the mods I create as well as written guides & resources, and more. I like several games and I aim to cover a variety games here, however my favorite game is The Sims 2, so that's where my focus lies.


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